
  • Submission Status


    Your submission is categorized into two: Active and Archived Submission. Active submission means that your submitted manuscript will be subjected to the review process. If your submission status is Archived, it means that your manuscript is declined. Please, notice your submission status.



    Read more about Submission Status
  • Use Reference Manager Software


    Dear author, to improve the quality of your article, please consider to use reference manager, such as Mendeley. The number of references should be more than 20 references and 80% should from journal articles. It will help us to improve the quality of the publication and give a better impact for Japanes  language, language teaching, linguistics, literarture, culuture and art.
    Thank you for your cinsideration.


    Read more about Use Reference Manager Software
  • Call For Paper Vol 3 No 2 Juni 2024


    Hikari: Jurnal Bahasa dan Kebudayaan invites scholars, academicians and researchers from all over the world to submit their unpublished original work for inclusion in our next publication issue. All submissions can be made in *.doc or *.docx format. Also see Hikari: Jurnal Bahasa dan Kebudayaan author guidelines and focus and scope.
    Manuscripts are accepted on a continuous basis and there is no deadline for submission. If you are interested in submitting a manuscript, please submit your manuscript online (Click Here).

    For information please call +62 857 - 6630 - 9464 (Dewi Kania Izmayanti)

    Read more about Call For Paper Vol 3 No 2 Juni 2024